Gastro-Esophageal reflux in children 2020
Dear friends and colleagues
It is a pleasure to announce that the Tunisian pediatric surgery association will organize a webinar
Main topic: Gastro-Esophageal reflux in children
This took place on Friday, July 24th, 2020 at 6 PM Tunisian.
Dr Lassaad sahnoun Tunisia. Introduction.
Dr Munther Haddad United Kingdom. Gastro-Esophageal surgical treatment in children. Tips and Tricks.
Dr Tutku Soyer Turkey.Gastro-esophageal disease and esophageal atresia.
Dr Yosra Kerkeni Tunisia.Updates in Gastro-esophageal disease in children.
Dr Amine ksia Tunisia. Stenting in Esophageal stenosis in children.

Gastro-Esophageal reflux in children 2020
This link is to the Surgeon that helped put this above conference together already Supported on this website.
Pediatric surgery department fattouma Bourguiba hospital Monastir Tunisia
This video was sent to me by this Team for this Website
Gastro-Esophageal reflux in children 2020
Please Note
Real-life operation will be played with-in this video.
We would like to thank these Surgeons for allowing us to run this video.