ERNICA Research Collaboration – Quality of Life, re mental health for Parents and Children with Ea-Tef and Oa-Tof

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ERNICA Research Collaboration – Quality of Life, re mental health for Parents and Children with Ea-Tef and Oa-Tof

The title of this webinar is: Research findings on mental health of parents in the context of esophageal atresia (EA) / tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF): recommendations for digitalised psychological support. This interactive webinar aims to increase awareness of the psychological impact of children’s feeding and swallowing difficulties on parents and carers. It will present proposed content for a psychoeducational film and a chance to provide feedback from both patient and health professionals perspectives. The moderator of this webinar will be Dr. Andre Rietman (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL).

Dr Vuokko Wallace, University of Bath, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, researcher, and NHS Clinical Psychologists trainer. A survivor of EA/TEF and patient representative of Esophageal ATresia Global Support Groups (EAT).
Dr. Vuokko Wallace will be joined by Ella Bailey, University of Bath, Clinical Psychologist in training

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