

This website is run for Parents by Parents of Conditions found within this site, and not linked to Charities, or receiving funds, or making a profit, funded by ourselves.
We are not here to cause any upset to other’s, only to RAISE AWARENESS for OUR Children’s, Rare Conditions. With the Help of World Doctors.
Although we do our best not to use copyrighted wording this site is only bringing all that is floating around on the world internet into one place to be able to HELP Parents and people trusted in looking after our Children.

Building a Site where Parents can understand the way Doctors talk using photo’s, video, info sent by Doctors. Not used to make money, just to help Support the Parents understand.
Bringing the info together to build this unique site, has been a godsend to families one Consultant emailed us.
(Anything found here, is here to help others)

For documents found on this WEBSITE, we do not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy. Plus the resources on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice, but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health or their Child’s diagnosed disorders. Specific medical advice will not be provided.