Mother of a ea-tef child writes book that sells across world

Vanessa Munsch, an OA/TOF mom,

created this book to empower children.

Educate the public about the condition and

offer ways to help.

The book is designed to serve as a conversation

starter and enable kids to better explain what

OA/TOF – EA-TEF means to them.

The Book is written in

English – Spanish – Italian – French.


Mother of a ea-tef child writes book that sells across world

Price: £12.57 (excl. VAT)
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It is Castalia’s Sharing Time at school today. She talks to her classmates about what OA/TOF is and what it means to her.
Her friends sure have a lot of questions! How about you, would you like to host your own Sharing Time too?
If you have time, make awareness ribbons with your friends or bring glitter to duplicate Castalia’s fun experiment! Vanessa Munsch, an OA/TOF mom, created this book to empower children, educate the public about the condition and offer ways to help.
The book is designed to serve as a conversation starter and enable kids to better explain what OA/TOF means to them.
Best suited for school-aged children.

The Charity the Book Sales helps to support.

I have been told by the Lady that writes these books that money from the sales goes to the same Charity this website supports also, find the link to Charity page below, Living with Ea-Tef.

I have added the logo we made for this website linking this site to Christy’s Courage Foundation on the right of here.

The logo of this Charity is the black middle part.

We made the new Logo because we feel Christy’s Courage Foundation is worth promoting on this website because every dollar raised is used to help the Families who need it more, Christy takes nothing for herself in expenses payments, like some so-called charities do.

Christy herself was born unable to swallow like me Steve Wyles, there is 1 year between us me 1962 Christy 1963, linking our combined efforts to help those others born unable to swallow like Children or Adults this is why we put the logo together showing linking support.

Link to Her Page on this Site.

Mother of a ea-tef child writes book that sells across world

Castalia habla con sus compañeros de clase sobre la Atresia de Esófago, una condición con la que nació.

Sus amigos tienen muchas preguntas!

Tenga en cuenta que todos los ingresos de este libro irán a organizaciones no lucrativas que ayudan a los niños con AE/FTE en todo el mundo.

Mother of a ea-tef child writes book that sells across world

Castalia parla dell’Atresia Esofagea ai suoi compagni di classe, una condizione con la quale è nata.

I suoi amici fanno un sacco di domande! Il libro è stato scritto con l’intento di informare e sensibilizzare le persone sull’Atresia Esofagea ed aiutare i nostri bambini a spiegare meglio cosa significhi per loro.

Tutti i proventi della vendita di questo libro saranno devoluti alla F.AT.E, l’Associazione italiana di Famiglie con bambini o adulti affetti dall’Atresia dell’Esofago,

Mother of a ea-tef child writes book that sells across world

Ce projet a été créé avec amour, en pensant à nos enfants, tout particulièrement à ma fille Castalia née en mars 2009.

Le livre cherche à sensibiliser le public à l’Atrésie de l’Oesophage ainsi qu’à faciliter un échange entre nos enfants et leur entourage. Pensez à partager cette histoire à l’école.

Commencez par une lecture de groupe, afin d’introduire certaines facettes de l’AO à travers le personnage principal, Castalia. Continuez en partageant votre expérience personelle et expliquez comment l’atrésie de l’oesophage vous touche au quotidien.

Les bénéfices seront reversés à des associations aidant notre cause.

Bonne lecture!