Covered by 
ALL TAGS are the same Size
These are laser cut, laser engraved and laser printed, by a leading UK company in this field
After sending out the car stickers (FREE) some never arrived Stephen Wyles was told, so with this in mind he has given this idea a lot of thought,
Every Parcel will be sent out by Tracked and signed for mail, so we have some idea where it is.
Any address where item is sent back we will need to make contact, so make sure your email is real
Track and Trace – Track your Item | Royal Mail Group Ltd
Everything Stephen Wyles puts out is well made and these are no exception, quality is his moto, he wanted these items to catch the eye of others, allowing others to ask questions, allowing you the power to explain. He kept away from Born Unable To swallow because it removes the privacy of the child or adult wearing the item.
Over the years as seen on this Website many car stickers etc have been posted out across our world to Parents With Stephen Wyles picking up the cost, for example, each USA posting cost for item to be made either car sticker or badge and envelope then posting cost around $11 dollars each posting.
World Surgeons have suggested these are sold and many Parents in the Passed asked if they could donate money to help with posting costs, Stephen Wyles has spoken to Parents
He has come up with an idea, To have the DONATE button added to top of this site, and on the Dog Tag page, money Donated will allow him to help people in the poorer parts of our world, as the money from the sale of these will go into a Holding account, no money will be taken out as a 2nd income.